
The Handmade Shoes. website ( places cookies, which are small data files, on your computer or handheld device. This is standard practice for all websites.

Cookies are essential for helping us deliver a high quality website and online shopping experience for our customers. For more information about cookies, including how we use them and how to disable them, please read our full Cookie Policy.

By using and browsing this website, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with our policy. If you do not consent, you must disable cookies or refrain from using the site.


Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

This website uses cookies to collect information.  Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer or other mobile or handheld device (such as smart ‘phones or ‘tablets’) as you browse this website.  They are used to ‘remember’ when your computer or device accesses this website.  The cookies are essential to the effective operation of our website and to enable to you shop with us online.


Information collected

Some cookies collect information about browsing and purchasing behaviour by people who access this website via the same computer or device.  This includes information about pages viewed, products purchased and the customer journey around a website.  We do not, however, use cookies to collect or record information on users’ name, address or other contact details.


Who sets the cookies?

The cookies stored on your computer or other device when you access this website are set by Handmade Shoes UK.
None of collect any personal data from which they would be able to identify individual customers.


What are cookies used for?

The main purpose for which cookies are used is:-

For technical purposes essential to effective operation of website, particularly in relation to on-line transactions.


Types of Cookies

Category: Statistics (6)

__utm.gif Pixel Session Google An alytics Trackin g Code th at logs details abou t th e visitor's brow ser an d compu ter. Script tag USA
_utma HTTP 2 years Collects data on th e n umber of times a u ser h as visited th e w ebsite as w ell as dates for th e first an d most recen t visit. Used by Google An alytics. Script tag USA
__utmc HTTP Session : Registers a timestamp w ith th e exact time of w h en th e u ser leaves th e w ebsite. Used by Google An alytics to calcu late th e du ration of a w ebsite visit. Script tag USA
 __utmb  HTTP  Session   Registers a timestamp w ith th e exact time of w h en th e u ser accessed th e w ebsite. Used by Google An alytic s to calcu late th e du ration of a w ebsite visit.  Script tag  USA
 __utmt  HTTP  Session  Used to th rottle th e speed of requ ests to th e server  Script tag  USA
 __utmz  HTTP  6 months  : Collects data on w h ere th e u ser came from, w h at search en gin e w as u sed, w h at lin k w as clicked an d w h at search term w as u sed. Used by Google An alytics.  Script tag  USA


Category: Marketing (5)

GPS HTTP Session : Registers a u n iqu e ID on mobile devices to en able trackin g based on geograph ical GPS location . Script tag USA
 PREF  HTTP  8 months   Registers a u n iqu e ID th at is u sed by Google to keep statistics of h ow th e visitor u ses You Tu be videos across differen t w ebsites.  Script tag  USA
 r/collect  Pixel  Session   Un classified  Script tag  USA
 VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE  HTTP  179 days  : Tries to estimate th e u sers' ban dw idth on pages w ith in tegrated You Tu be videos  Script tag  USA
 YSC  HTTP  Session  Registers a u n iqu e ID to keep statistics of w h at videos from You Tu be th e u ser h as seen .  Script tag  USA


Category: Unclassified (3)

 2c.cId  HTTP  4 years  Unclassified  Script tag  Ireland
 banner_fv  HTTP  18041 days  Unclassified  Webserver  UK
 frontend  HTTP  Sesssion  Unclassified  Webserver  UK



How do I disable cookies?

If you want to disable cookies you need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies.  How to do this will depend on the browser you use and we provide further detail below on how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers:-

For Microsoft Internet Explorer:
1. Choose the menu “tools” then “Internet Options”
2 Click on the “privacy” tab
3 Select the setting the appropriate setting

For Mozilla firefox:
1. Choose the menu “tools” then “Options”
2 Click on the icon “privacy”
3 Find the menu “cookie” and select the relevant options

For Opera 6.0 and further:
1. Choose the menu Files”> “Preferences”
2 Privacy


What happens if I disable cookies?

This depends on which cookies you disable, but in general the site may not operate properly if cookies are switched off.  If you only disable 3rd party cookies you will not be prevented from making purchases on this site.  If you disable all cookies you will be unable to complete a purchase on this site.